
Countdown for last 2 days ♥

每一天看日历至少上10次,从14天减到去剩两天,14天里见了12天,有时候早上,有时候晚上,有时候早晚,还有两天,那就好好珍惜这两天吧!明天的早餐和晚餐都和你一起吃哦!我没有担心什么,真的真的,我对你有信心,就像你对我有信心一样,我只是不舍得而已,不舍得我们刚在一起又要分开。我真的会很不舍得。以后我又要自己打包早餐回家吃咯,哈哈,我想我很快就会习惯的 :')


My first letter to HIM♥

First time i write letter to my dad..Have you ever did the same thing to your dad?? YES!!! I did today before i want to come back kampar...put on his table before i leave...I'm curious what his face when saw this..Haha..My dear daddy...i know i always make you worry...i promise you..i will take good care of myself...I hope you can understand me..i need freedom...i like to play...i got many friends...i can't ''guai guai'' stay at home...请原谅任性的我...And don't blame mummy...coz she know my pattern as well....she know my friends as well...

Actually this is the best time i can tell you i already got boyfriend...But i did't have...What i scared??I really don't know..But sure will tell you one day...maybe the second letter =)

Hey Mr.Lim..time passed so fast...we have been together in a month plus 2 days...Are you already accustomed me beside you??I'm still trying my best...Today was the first time i accompanied you took lunch on your working day..I think is the last time also...this week is your last week...haha...ofcoz i happy...you still remember last time you told me when is your last day mou??TIPU PUNYA...

Finally there have a guy comfort me when i am sad... Although you did before when we are still friend...but the feeling really got different...Thankyou dear =)


薇 恋爱了♥



我不需要你花很多钱在我身上,不需要你为我买衣服买包包,不需要你24小时陪伴,但至少你要让我知道你在做什么。我脾气不好,发起火来我也不知道自己会说什么,但胜在耐性好,很能忍,也只有在心情不好才会乱发脾气。如果我有不对,你也可以对我发脾气,你也可以对我生气,因为这样我才有机会哄回你不是吗??? 但你应该不会,我们认识那么久也没有吵过架,我也只是对你发过那么一次脾气。
